Day 153 – Trust Me – 50 Word Story

“Just keep going north, I can’t go with you,” he says, she smiles faintly, and grips her arm, tearing at it nervously as she bits into her bottom lip. He cups her chin with a hand and raises her eyes to his. “You’ll be fine, trust me, I’m dead anyway.”


You can read the Extended version HERE.

10 thoughts on “Day 153 – Trust Me – 50 Word Story

    1. Thanks so much, I enjoy the 50 word versions, because everything is up to the reader, you just give them such a fraction, but enough for them to decided what happens, and what they did to get to where they are. Although, I really like the expanding more, it’s truly the fun part of it all, because you can change everything, and make the two seem completely separate, even though they are of the same tree. I think, soon, I’ll do a short and expand it each day, maybe even sooner, rather than later.

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      1. Well, I hope you continue to love and enjoy doing this! It is such an amazing thing art! It always makes me feel alive (even when it drains you) lol.

        I am thankful everyday that I am given life but also another chance to write. I honestly hope that whatever comes after life, there is still a chance to write in it.



      1. It’s just a way of making them something more, well, teen, less dangerous, more, dreamy, with no rules behind all the new shite mixed in. I mean, I’m all for reinvention, but try to tell us why.

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